Terms and Conditions
This website is owned and controlled by Sterling Assets Limited trading as Sterling. If you use this website you agree to the terms and conditions set out below. Our registered office is at 105 Edgware Road, Marble Arch, London, England, W2 2HX and we are registered in England and Wales under company number 10411616.
This website describes services provided in the UK by Sterling Assets Limited. While Sterling makes every effort to ensure that everything on the website is accurate and complete, we provide it for information only, so it is indicative rather than definitive. We thus make no explicit or implicit guarantee of its accuracy, and, as far as applicable laws allow, we neither accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, nor for loss that may result directly or indirectly from reliance on its content. Users of the website should not take or omit to take any action that relies on information on the website. Sterling may correct or update the website without prior notice. In making the website available, Sterling does not imply or establish any client, advisory, financial or professional relationship. Through the website, neither Sterling nor any other person is providing advisory, consulting or other professional services.
Modifications to this Agreement
Sterling reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement at any time. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review the Site and these Terms of Service from time to time. Your continued use of the Site after such modifications to this Agreement will constitute acknowledgment of the modified Terms of Service and agreement to abide and be bound by the modified Terms of Service.
Sterling neither guarantees that the website will be uninterrupted or without delay nor that it will be error-free or virus-free. The website is provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind. Sterling will not be responsible and will not accept any liability whatsoever for any viruses which may infect your computer by reason of your use of or downloading of applications (including .exe applications) from this website.
Important Information relating to properties displayed on the website
1.Particulars:Any property particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Sterling in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing ("information") as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Sterling nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s).
2.Photos etc:The photographs show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. Any computer generated image gives only an indication as to how the property may look and this may change at any time.
3.Regulations etc:Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct.
4.VAT:The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice.
Information on the website about a property is liable to be changed at any time.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Sterling or its affiliates be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive damages or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of the Site, the content and other information obtained therein. Certain jurisdictions prohibit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, thus the above limitations may not apply to you.
Links on this website may lead to servers maintained by individuals or organisations other than Sterling. Sterling makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or any other aspect of the information located on such servers and neither monitors nor endorses such servers or content. If you link to our website we may require you at any time at our absolute discretion to remove the Link
Any terms and conditions concerning the usage of this website will be governed by the laws of England, and any dispute concerning use of this website will be determined exclusively by the English Courts.
Data Protection Act
Sterling is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe, secure website. However, before you continue using our website, we recommend that you read the following information.
Sterling respects the privacy of its website visitors and does not share or sell any personal information with third parties. Please note that you are not required to provide any personal information to use this website. Any information you do provide will be treated in confidence and used only for the purpose for which you provided it. Where personal information can be entered, the website ensures that industry-standard security measures are in place to protect it.
If you choose to register on the website or to send us personal details in relation to a property or information offered, you have the right to request a copy of the information you entered and any other information we hold on you at any time, and to have that information corrected if it is inaccurate.
Contact Details
Please note that you are not required to provide any personal information to use this website. However, if you provide your contact details (name, address, telephone and fax number and e-mail address) these details will be used to provide any services which you have requested.
By entering your contact details you agree that we may also use them for the following purposes:
- To incorporate into the Sterling database.
- To provide aggregate statistical information which may include personal information.
- To provide you with information about our services.
- Your contact details may be changed in the following way: [Details] You may at any time request us to remove your details from our computer data base or instruct us not to use the personal information which you have provided to us for any of the above purposes by notifying us by e-mail.
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